Album - 1935 Mills Ten Grand EM Payout Pinball Machine

This is in for a full refurbish to get working. 2 balls for 25 cents. Uses a hidden 3-reel Bell-style slot machine as the main mechanism.


The mechanism has been fully disassembled and the parts washed. Hand cleaned with lacquer thinner, wire brushed, and wire wheel. Assembled with 3n1 oil where needed and white lithium grease where needed. Adjusted mechanically to be smooth operating. The electronics have been cleaned. Now I can see the wire colors.

FINDING: After some research, we found that this mechanism is not for this game. It's a spare for the Mills Flasher. So we are on the hunt for the correct mech.

This is on hold indefinitely until we find the correct mechanism.

Starting Here First
Take A Part Time
All Torn Down
Solvent Tank
Right Side Back Together
Clock Not So Clean
Clock Not So Clean
Clock Not So Clean
Clock Cleaned
Clock Cleaned
Bottom Back In
Right Side On
Back Side On
Mechanicals Done
Mechanicals Done
Mechanicals Done
Mechanicals Done
New Rubber for a Stopper
Dirty Switch
Semi Cleaned Switch
Electronics Installed
Too be Cleaned
Electronics Installed
Too be Cleaned
Electronics Installed
Too be Cleaned
Rear Electronics Installed
Soon to be Refurbished
Soon to be Refurbished
Soon to be Refurbished
New Bottom will Be Made
Repairs will be Done Here
Repairs will be Done Here
Water Damaged Leg
Bottom Panel Removed
Bottom Panel Removed