2018 Stern Iron Maiden Legacy of The Beast Premium Pinball Machine

2018 Stern Iron Maiden Legacy of The Beast  Premium Pinball Machine
2018 Stern Iron Maiden Legacy of The Beast Premium Pinball Machine
Location: Las Vegas, NV
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A very nice HUO machine with lots of upgrades. 3281 total Plays. The Iron Maiden pinball machine aims to reflect the same excitement, energy, and experience of a live Iron Maiden concert. Players will immerse themselves in an interactive Iron Maiden universe transforming into various forms of Eddie, the band’s legendary mascot. Players, as Eddie, will embark on a quest to defeat the Beast and his minions across the Legacy of the Beast mobile game and comic book world. Iron Maiden pinball entertains with an amazing array of modern and classic features, making it suitable for all skill levels.

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Twelve Iron Maiden songs with players going to battle as Eddie with the help of four flippers, two spinners, a set of 3-bank drop targets, metal and wireform ramps, a captive ball mechanism, a dual up-post lock mechanism, and a center bullseye target.

Mods: Iron Maiden Mods, Insider Connected, Current software, Sarcophagus “GUS” mod Gouvia, WWI Eddie 8” official action figure installed, Pharoh lit eyes, Egyptian Arch lit, Ramp decals, Egyptian stones, Flipper decals, hieroglyphics, Super bands red, Baron balls, Orb mod lit, Red post sleeves, Plastic protectors, Star cap outlane posts, red, Magnetic apron cover, wizmods, Gold multi color shooter rod, Shooter rod plate, Egyptian Eddie, Kenwood LE speakers, Speakerlight kit, Upgraded Pinball Life cabinet bass speaker Boom, Lit torches, Lollipop rails, Lit flipper buttons red, Shaker motor, Playfield color inserts, Art blades, hieroglyphics.

2018 Stern Iron Maiden Legacy of The Beast  Premium Pinball Machine MP4